APAC Intelligence Group Limited (hereinafter called “The Group”) is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of our long-term business success both internally and externally. We believe CSR is achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical values, and respect people and our society (including the environment). We strive to embed socially responsible values in our company.
Approach and Principles
The Group’s CSR activities are adopted in line with our strategy, mission, values, and guiding principles in different aspects:
Treat employees fairly and equally, respect their human rights, ensure our employment practices that uphold equal opportunity and non-discrimination
Provide a safe and healthy working environment
Provide competitive and fair rewards and recognition
Encourage open communication and provide channels for employees to voice their concerns
Nurture talent and support the continuous development of our employees
Work with partners to support community programs that bring about positive social impacts
Provide resources to encourage and facilitate employees to participate in volunteering services and charitable activities
Uphold the highest standards of governance and a set of core ethical values, including honesty, integrity, diligence, fairness, responsible citizenship, and accountability in conducting business
Provide a diverse range of services to allow customers to select the solution that best suits their needs
Provide clear and honest information to help customers make informed decisions
Listen to customer feedback, continuously enhance customer service and customer satisfaction
Ensure privacy of customer data
Promote sustainable business practices through assessing their potential environmental and social impacts
Use suppliers that act in an environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible manner

Use eco-friendly materials and supplies
Increase recycling, reduce waste production and consumption of energy and natural resources
Prevent pollution and reduce our carbon footprint
Promote environmentally responsible practices among employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, and business partners